Emotion: The key to inspiring action

If you want to inspire action, you’ve got to evoke emotion. This is an important thing to consider when we look to inspire others to action. Whether it be our children, our spouse or our consumers. If you think about anything in your life that has compelled you to act there is usually a strong […]
The Power of The Follow UP Call

A couple of weeks ago my car broke down and was going to be out of commission for at least a week (don’t ask. That’s another blog post). I found myself in a position where I needed to rent a vehicle for at least a week. Since I broke down in Red Deer and needed […]
For the love of reading; Passion is contagious!

Have you ever wondered why some people burn an indelible impression in your mind and others you forget the minute they walk out the door? Have you ever wondered why some conversations leave a lasting mark and make an impact on your life and others are gone with the wind? Why is it that our […]
Do you believe in the tooth fairy?

Well, this week my 9 year old decided to test the theory that the tooth fairy is real. Mikaela lost a tooth this week that has been hanging on and hanging on. It finally came out and she handed it to me and I left it on the kitchen counter on a kleenex. Well of […]
It’s not rocket science folks!

The following is an article I wrote back in 2007 and came across as we redefine our business processes. I thought it was worthy of republishing. You are well on your way to becoming a “successful” mortgage agent. You have worked hard, learned from your mistakes and believe in life long learning. Now your efforts […]
Why I drop kicked Mark Messier

Alright so I didn’t exactly drop kick Mark Messier but I did cross paths with him at an event in Las Vegas last week. It was the opening day of our very first corporate national conference. We held the event at the Venetian Hotel on the strip. The first event after the registration desk closed […]
Telus: Customer Service via Twitter?

So late last year my wife convinced me that we needed PVR anywhere. Yes, that is right, PVR Anywhere. Our Shaw system with one PVR just wasn’t cutting it. I mean really, what if we want to watch a show in the basement or up in our bedroom? Heaven forbid we be inconvenienced by not […]
Are you a salesperson?

Do you view yourself as a salesperson? I would suggest you probably should. Let’s start with the definition of sales. The exchange of a good or service for money; the action of selling something. If you earn a living in one way shape or form than whether you are self employed or employed by someone […]
Relationship Marketing Revisited

Recently, Chris Smith from Inman Next published a blog post entitled “Real Estate is no longer a Relationship Business“. While I agree with the sentiment, I completely disagree with the title and what it implies. First off understand I am not a Real Estate Agent, I am a mortgage broker and while our industries our […]
Providing “Value”, Part 3

In my last couple of posts I talked about some of the ways that I have observed people “provide value” in interesting or unique ways. In this post I wanted to share a story of one of the ways my team found to ‘provide value’ to a builder who is a valued referral source. One […]

In my last post Part 1 of this topic I talked about the challenges of providing value via social media or otherwise to attract prospective clients or referral sources. In this post I am going to continue with that same line of thought and give you an example of how someone else found a unique […]
The HOME Program

The following is an article that was written and published in the Canadian Mortgage Professional magazine. You can view the HOME Program website here. The article below focuses on my participation but it is important to note that we have many fabulous people who make the program happen. Not the least of which is the […]
“Value” comes in many shapes and sizes: Part 1

One of the things you will often hear from the marketing gurus out there is the constant talk about ‘value’. The concept is that you can’t just be spewing product information and pushing your message out to the masses. People have become resistant to this kind of marketing. You need to provide ‘value’ is the […]
Some folks get it… and some they don’t

So since I started getting on this social media bandwagon, I’ve been really paying attention to how companies interact with the public. Especially on Twitter. I have run into a few different experiences that I thought I would document that really highlight the difference between those companies that ‘get it’ and those that don’t. It […]
The Power of Social Media

About a month ago I was asked to come do a presentation at a lunch and learn in a fairly casual setting. I discussed a few subjects with the organizer and we settled on what I would entitle “Relationship based selling in a digital world”. My thought was I would do a sales presentation that […]