Thank You: Amy Holden


Recently I came across a blog titled 365 days of “Thank You”.  The author has made a point of writing a blog post daily of thanking someone in his life that has made an impact on him.  As I read some of the posts I was struck by what a brilliant, simple idea that was.  Now I am not certain I can commit to writing a daily thank you to everyone who touches my life but I am going to start to try and recognize as many as I can going forward.  There are so many in my life that make an impact daily and I do my best to thank and appreciate them as they make an impact. Certainly adding the odd blog post to recognize those in my life who make an impact could not hurt.  After all, if you look at most of my posts they are some version of recognition of people in my life who have made an impact.

Today I am going to start with someone who touches me almost daily.  My assistant Amy Holden.  Amy is one of the most sincere and genuine people you will ever meet in your life.  She has the uncanny ability of making you feel like you are the most important person in the world.  It is part of what makes her great at her job.  When people speak with her and need assistance, she never makes them feel like they are putting her out, never makes them feel like there is anything more important than the conversation she is having with them at the moment.  This is a real natural ability or talent and I am inspired watching her interact with those around her.  If you have had the opportunity to speak with her you know exactly what I am talking about. It is a talent that I strive to add to my repertoire of skills and struggle with daily.

As far as Amy’s role as my assistant, obviously her job description dictates that she take care of my daily business needs including scheduling and keeping me organized and on task (no small feat for those that know me).  While it is her job to manage my business affairs, Amy always, always, always goes far beyond what one would require and expect from such a role.  I recently heard her describing her role to one of our franchisees.  When asked exactly what her role was she quickly explained that her job was to make sure “Mike looks good at all times”. She does so many things that are so far outside her job description I would be embarrassed to admit them all.  Amy, you go above and beyond every day and inspire me with your positive attitude and your attention to making sure people ‘feel good’ after they have spoken with you.  I try and say it often to you how grateful I am to have you in our office but thought I would take a few moments and post publicly how much of an impact you have made in my life.


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Gord Ross
Gord Ross
11 years ago

Amy Rocks!!

Amy Holden
Amy Holden
11 years ago

What a great way to start the work week!
Thank you Mike and Gord; high-fives all around!

Thank you, thank you!

11 years ago

Amy Does Rock!!
She’s an individual that one will have a lasting positive impression of from the very first time you meet her.
I love her .. she’s my sister 🙂 xox
Thanks Mike, we appreciate your truth and kind words.

10 years ago

Amy is awesome. I am also grateful to know you.

10 years ago

You totally captured who Amy is and how she makes others feel. I totally agree. Amy rocks!

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