Episode 28: Making a Difference – MacKenzie Lucas Pedal Towards the Cure


This is our first in our “Making a Difference” series.  The intent is to bring awareness to those individuals that are doing extraordinary things in our communities.  My hope is that we can inspire others and feed off of each others contributions to do more to help change our world for the better.

10885442_2064886273650289_8131557165279757538_nTodays guest is a young man by the name of MacKenzie Lucas who is going to be cycling across Canada to raise money for Lung Cancer.  MacKenzie is no stranger to fund raising and has done fund raisers in the past, including shaving his head for Cancer.  His goal is to cycle from St. Johns, New Foundland all the way to Vancouver, British Columbia.  He is leaving July 16, 2015 and plans to finish on September 6, 2015 which just happens to be his 21st birthday.  His hope is to raise at least a dollar per kilometer, which would put him at about $7800.00.

I love to see young people getting active and making a difference.  His campaign is called Pedal Towards the Cure.  You can find him on Facebook here at: https://www.facebook.com/pedaltowardsthecure?fref=ts.

If you would like to donate directly you can find his donation page here at:

MacKenzie will be documenting his progress with a GoPro and a daily blog.  My hope is that we can do a few brief interviews with him along his journey and track his progress together.

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