Happy New Day!!


It is New Years day and as I sit back and reflect on the past year and watch others do the same, I can’t help but think that there has got to be a better way to do the whole “Out with the old, in with the new” thing.  Striving to make big changes, new resolutions, saying good riddance to a bad year just feels like a waste of 365 days.

What if we went through the New Years exercise every single day?

What if 365 days a year we reflected on our day at the end of each and every day?

What if we didn’t wait til Dec 31 to reflect on our achievements?

What if we didn’t wait til year end before we resolve to do more, do better, or change habits?

Can you imagine the power of a Happy New Day vs. a Happy New Year?  How much more successful, happy, satisfied could we be if we took 10 minutes every day at either the end or the beginning of the day and wrote down what we were proud of for the day just past and what we resolve to do for the day upcoming?

What if we made small changes daily to move us in the direction that we wanted to go?

What if we cast off a bad day every day and started over fresh each morning?  Wouldn’t that be better than waiting for the end of an entire year? ;0)

The problem with New Years Resolutions is that sometimes the end goal seems so daunting that we talk ourselves out of even trying.  Change doesn’t need to be massive.  It just needs to be consistent.  Small adjustments made daily quickly add up to large goals accomplished annually.

So my resolution this year?  To reflect and adjust daily as I move toward accomplishing the life that I want to live.

What are your plans for 2014?

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