Episode 17: Mark Kerzner: Relationships, Outputs and Getting it Done

MarkKerznerThis week I have the pleasure of having a conversation with Mark Kerzner, the President and COO of TMG The Mortgage Group.  This was a really great interview for me as I have just recently gotten to know Mark a lot better working side by side on the CAAMP board of directors.  My respect for Mark started a number of years ago when, dissatisfied with the status quo in our industry, I started what I dubbed The Mortgage Revolution.  Mark took the time to contact me and made a point of catching up for a coffee when he was out in Edmonton.  To me it highlighted Steven Covey’s habit 5 of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Seek first to understand, then to be understood.  The other really neat thing about this conversation is the fact that Mark and I, theoretically are competitors.  So for us to share information together really speaks to the level of passion for our industry and the fact that we both are prepared to put aside our own agendas to try and move the needle within the environment that we both share.

“Integrity is doing the right things for the right reasons”

Mark has his MBA from the Rotman School of Business and has held senior leadership roles throughout the broker channel.  He has seen both the lending side of the equation as well as the broker side.  In this conversation we try to get beyond some of the cliches and dig deep into what actually makes a successful leader.  Love to hear your feedback on this one.   As always these conversations are a practice and I need your feedback to keep improving them.  I hope you enjoy this one!

Books Mentioned

True North – Bill George

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