Brain Food: What do you eat?


2013 was a year in which I really focused on my physical fitness and it certainly paid dividends.  I am in better physical shape then I have ever been in my life.  As I sit and reflect and look forward to my 2014 goals I feel compelled to put the emphasis on intellectual development.  We have all heard the phrase “You are what you eat” and I think the same holds true for your intellectual development.  You become what you consume.  In a world where we are constantly inundated with a barrage of marketing messages designed to move you in various directions, I think it is critical that you take the time to sit down and make a concerted effort to consciously decide what to consume for your intellect.

There is no shortage of marketing on getting yourself physically fit this time of year and that is usually on everyone’s goal list somewhere.  What we don’t always take the time to do is plan out our intellectual intake and as a result we end up consuming largely whatever the media pushes our way.  Your brain needs exercise and feeding no differently than the rest of your body.  As you sit down and set your goals and action plans for 2014 make sure you include a plan to feed your brain.  If you don’t take control of what you consume someone else will.

For me I am starting a reading list, both for professional development as well as relaxation.  I am starting 2014 by completing the audiobook The New Psycho-Cybernetics. This is one I read probably 20 years ago and is a great foundation for acheivement.  The other thing I have resolved to do this year is more writing to challenge and stimulate my creative brain.

What ways will you feed your brain in 2014?

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